Using a Model in a Simulation

Use your model like this:

import hoomd,
import hoomd.htf as htf

...hoomd initialization code...
model = MyModel(32)
tfcompute = htf.tfcompute(model)

nlist =
tfcompute.attach(nlist, r_cut=3)

...other hoomd code...

where MyModel is model you created following the steps in Building a Model, nlist is a hoomd neighbor list object and r_cut is the maximum distance to consider particles as being neighbors. nlist is optional and is not required if your graph doesn’t use the nlist object (you passed 0 as the first arg when building your graph).


The default logging level of TensorFlow is relatively noisy. You can reduce the amount of logged statements via

import tensorflow as tf


If you do not use molecule batching when building your model (i.e., your model isn’t a sub class of :py:class: .MolSimModel, you can optionally split your batches to be smaller than the entire system. This is set via the batch_size integer argument to tfcompute.attach(). This can help for high-memory simulations where you cannot spare the GPU memory to have each tensor be the size of your system.


Training can be done while running your simulation where the labels are the HOOMD-blue forces. To do this, you must first compile your model as described in Keras documentation. For example,

model.compile('Adam', 'mean_squared_error')

will compile your model to use mean squared error on per-particle forces (note that the forces tensor contains energy in the last column) as the loss and the Adam optimizer. To train while running, just add the train = True arg.


You can also train less than each step (recommended):

tfcompute.attach(train=True, period=100)

Model Output

By default, your model output is not saved except to send the forces (and possibly virial) to HOOMD-blue. You can have tfcompute capture your model output by adding save_output_period=100. In this case, output will be saved every 100 steps. Note that if your model is outputting forces as specified in the constructor of a SimModel, the forces will not be saved. Here is a complete example:

class MyModel(htf.SimModel):
    def compute(self, nlist):
        rinv = htf.nlist_rinv(nlist)
        energy = rinv
        forces = htf.compute_nlist_forces(nlist, energy)
        avg_coord_number = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(rinv > 0, tf.float32))
        return forces, energy, avg_coord_number

model = MyModel(16)
tfcompute = htf.tfcompute(model)
tfcompute.attach(nlist, rcut=5.0, save_output_period=100)

output_energy = tfcompute.outputs[0]
output_avg_coord_number = tfcompute.outputs[1]

Changing Model Object

If your SimModel.compute(nlist, positions, box) method depends on attributes of self, you have to call an SimModel.retrace_compute() if you updated these attributes. See an example

class MyModel(htf.SimModel):
    def setup(self, s):
        self.s = s
    def compute(self, nlist):
        rinv = htf.nlist_rinv(nlist)
        energy = self.s * rinv
        forces = htf.compute_nlist_forces(nlist, energy)
        avg_coord_number = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(rinv > 0, tf.float32))
        return forces, energy, avg_coord_number

model = MyModel(16)
tfcompute = htf.tfcompute(model)
tfcompute.attach(nlist, rcut=5.0, save_output_period=100)

# Now I update s
model.s = 2.5
# I must call retrace_compute